ALAH Weekend Update Logo

Good afternoon Knight Families:

WOW … what a Friday afternoon we had!  If you haven’t heard, the Governor is allowing high school sports to resume!  This is the exciting positive news we have been looking forward to!  We are waiting for the final guidance from IHSA on when which sport will play.  Hopefully next week’s email will include information about our first games!  #GOKNIGHTS

Have you heard about the facility study being completed for our district?  The committee is made up of administrators, faculty, parents and community members.  Our website has a link that shares the progress and next steps of this work.  It will be updated as their work continues. Check it out here

There are a couple of fundraisers in the works.  Our FFA is selling strawberries - doesn’t that sound like spring?  And our sophomores will be selling Crush soda for Valentine’s Day.  Stay tuned for more details. 

I am in the process of creating a Principal’s Advisory Council for parents.  We will look at things like our school handbook, suggestions/concerns that would apply to our school and what might be happening here in the future.  An example would be incorporating blended learning or new mandates from the state, etc.  This would be a monthly meeting through the end of the school year.  We will meet virtually until our mandate of no visitors in the building is lifted.  If you are interested in joining me for these conversations, please let me know. 

It has been a great week at the high school. We love hearing the shoes in the gym and the basketballs bouncing during practices, watching the scholastic bowl team compete, and talking about fundraisers.  All our truly regular activities.  I’m hoping we are on the upswing of all of this and moving back to more of the things we love at ALAH. 

Enjoy the weekend!
Mrs. Seegmiller