Person with headset

Parents of seniors are invited to an online meeting with Mrs. Seegmiller on Monday, April 20th at 6:00 P.M.  

As a parent of a graduating senior you undoubtedly have many questions. Plan to join Mrs. Seegmiller to hear the latest information. You can log into the meeting on your computer or smartphone via Google Hangouts (you do not have to have a Google account to join) or you can join by telephone. We will be sending out an email invitation on Friday, April 17th. The email will include a link to the meeting as well as phone-in information. If you do not receive the email by Monday, April 20th at noon, please call the high school office! 

We will cover everything that we know to date about the senior trip, graduation, prom and so much more! If you have questions that you would like Mrs. Seegmiller to address, please email your questions to her prior to the meeting at