• Homecoming plans are under way and the dance is scheduled for October 9th. If you would like to bring a guest that does not attend ALAH HS, the request forms can be picked up in the office. 

  • Parking Passes are available in the office! Please stop by and get yours. Everyone that parks at the school will need a pass.

  • Student Registration Forms - Students please login to your skyward account and complete the simple 5 step registration process in Student Access. Look for the tile that says “Student Registration Forms 2021-22”

  • Football @ Tri-County 7pm (Bus 4:45)

  • 1st Quarter Midterm

  • On this Day: in 1972 TV the comedy "M*A*S*H", debuted on CBS. This happens to be Mrs. Seegmiller’s all time favorite show FYI. 

Saturday, Sept. 18

  • Cross Country @ Tuscola 10am (Bus HS @ 8:30. Atwood grade school @ 8:45. )

  • Marching Band Competition - Monticello (Bus 11:15) Performance time is 3:15 and Awards Ceremony is 5:15.

Upcoming Dates:    

  • October 11th - No School - Columbus Day

Have a great day!