Pfizer registration information from MCHD.

It was a great afternoon for the Knights! JH softball won 19-14 at Warrensburg-Latham and JH Baseball won 11-8 at home vs. Paris Crestwood. #GoKnights

Good morning! As we continue to navigate through this pandemic and as we prepare for the start of the school year, we were all thrown another curveball with the recent change in the return to school criteria. On Wednesday, August 4th the Governor held a press conference where he informed us all that the return to school criteria would be adapted to include a mask mandate for all school districts public and private in the State of Illinois.
Soon thereafter, the Illinois Department of Public Health and Illinois State Board of Education followed with their updated document for schools to follow which mirrored the Governor’s mandate that all students regardless of vaccination status must wear a mask while indoors.
The process that the Board of Education developed to come to a conclusion included a Special Meeting to hear from our communities and an additional Special Meeting to vote on how we would begin the school year. This decision did not come easy and many factors were considered moving forward. Although some strong opinions vary on this recent mandate, the Arthur CUSD 305 school district will begin the school year in compliance with the recent mandates. The revised plan has been posted to the website and we will continue to monitor the situation and update our students, staff and communities when any future changes are implemented. Thank you and we look forward to another successful school year.

Moultrie County Health Department is hosting a Pfizer Vaccination Clinic on Thursday, August 19 at the American Legion Post 68 in Sullivan. See flyer for more details.

JH Baseball had a great opening weekend finishing 3-0! Scores: 6-1 vs. Monticello, 13-8 vs. Paris Mayo, and 15-14 vs. Paris Crestwood. #GoKnights

Lovington Grade School is looking for a classroom aide. This position will help assist with carrying out lessons designed by the classroom teacher, working with individual students or small groups of students. This person will also assist the teacher in maintaining a functional, attractive and orderly environment conducive to student learning and through clerical tasks, computer work, house cleaning duties, and other related school activities. Applicants will be screened as they apply. The position will start immediately. Apply online through the following link.

Good afternoon. Please refer to the link below to access the agenda for the Special Meeting scheduled for Sunday, August 15th starting at 6pm. Thank you and have a great weekend.

Athletics Schedule 8/16-8/21

Substitute Bus Aide needed daily for now through end of August, other days throughout the year possible on an as needed basis. Email mcgrathh@cusd305.org with letter of interest.

SCHEDULE CHANGE: Today's JH Softball Game will start at 6:00 p.m.

Today's (8/9/21) JH softball game vs. Neoga has been canceled. Practice will be from 3:30-5:00 at the high school on the practice field north of the softball diamond.

Back to school Bash is tonight! Join them at the First Baptist Church for a fun night of inflatable and school supply give aways!

JH Softball Update: Thursday's (8/5/21) JH softball games vs. Casey-Westfield will be played in Atwood (at Atwood Park). This is a doubleheader with the first game scheduled to start at 4:30. #GoKnights!

Good morning Knights! Just a reminder that the Douglas County Health Department will be at the high school administering the COVID vaccine for those that are interested. The vaccine clinic will begin at 4pm and will end at 6pm. Originally the health department had expressed that they will offer both the J & J vaccine as well as the Pfizer vaccine, but they contacted us this morning to inform us that they have only received the Pfizer vaccine. The Pfizer vaccine will be available from 4pm to 6pm tomorrow at the high school, in the main gymnasium. Thank you and have a great rest of the week.

COVID-19 vaccinations will be available on a walk-in basis at Arthur CUSD #305 on Wed., Aug. 4 from 4 to 6 p.m. for anyone interested in receiving one. Douglas County Health Department will be bringing and administering Pfizer and J&J vaccines, free of charge. The vaccinations will be administered in the new gymnasium at the high school which is located at 301 East Columbia Street, Arthur.
Pfizer is a two-dose regimen available to ages 12 and up, while J&J is a one-dose vaccine for ages 18 and up. Please be aware that a 15-minute observation period is required after receiving your vaccine, and you cannot have had any other type of vaccination in the prior 14 days. DCHD will have all relevant paperwork on site. Minors receiving a vaccine will need to have signed parental/legal guardian permission. Similar vaccine clinics are also being held at other Douglas County school districts. Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to make yourself and your community safer and healthier.

If you are in need of school supplies please check out this wonderful opportunity! We are blessed with community outreach here at Arthur CUSD #305! It is a great day to be a Knight!

If you are in need of school supplies please check out this wonderful opportunity! We are blessed with community outreach here at Arthur CUSD #305! It is a great day to be a Knight!

If you are in need of school supplies please check out this wonderful opportunity! We are blessed with community outreach here at Arthur CUSD #305! It is a great day to be a Knight!

Attention JH Baseball Players-The 2021 season is almost here! Practice next week (8/2-8/6) will be at Lovington Grade School - 3:45-6:00 p.m. If you have any questions please contact Coach McGrath at: drmcgrath10@yahoo.com #GoKnights

Due to the excessive heat forecasted for tomorrow 7/28/21, JH softball practice will be moved indoors at AHGS from 3:00-4:00 p.m. Football camp will be moved to the LGS gym from 5:30-8:00 p.m.