Happy Last Day of School

  • Happy Birthday today to Mr. Seal, Jesus Corona and Ben Johnson.

  • We are turning off the bells today for testing. We will announce passing periods. The building should remain in quiet mode throughout the day. Lunch today is 40 minutes and we have open campus. 

  • Turn in your chromebook during 7th hour today. Teachers have a spreadsheet of who is able to take theirs home for the summer. If you AND your parent have not filled out the permission form, you need to turn in your chromebook, case and charger today. 

  • Canned food  at exits. When you leave today please take a bag of canned goods compliments of the Knights table food pantry.

  • Please clean out your locker before you leave today. Gently used items that you no longer need can be taken to the office. Please put trash in the trash cans in each hall.

  • 2:00 pm Dismissal - Final Exams Bell Schedule:

5a/5b hour

8:15 - 9:28

6th  hour

9:33 - 10:46


10:46 - 11:26

7th hour

11:29 - 12:42

8th hour

12:47 - 2:00

  • Band Rehearsal - mandatory rehearsal during 8th hour

  • Last Day of School 

  • Boys Track State Finals @ EIU  10 AM

Friday, May 26, 2023

  • Teacher Institute

  • Graduation Practice 10:00 am

  • Graduation @ 7:00pm 

  • Graduation will be live streamed at:

Saturday, May 27, 2023

  • Boys Track State Finals @ EIU  10 AM

Thursday, June 1s, 2023

Spring Sports Banquet

- watch for more information on social media closer to the date.