Arthur Lovington Atwood Hammond High School Families:

The Arthur Lovington Atwood Hammond Schools are continuously working to improve school safety for all students and staff.  Part of that process has been the training and educating of staff and students, with a primary focus on ALICEALICE, which stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate, is an evidence-based plan that aligns to the recommendations of the U.S. Department of Education and helps to increase survivability for students of all ages in the event of an active shooter.  More information about the program is available at:

On September 27, 2022, Arthur Lovington Atwood Hammond High School will have a law enforcement lockdown drill105 ILCS 128/School Safety Drill Act mandates a “law enforcement lockdown drill must be conducted on days and times when students are normally present in the school building and must involve participation from all school personnel and students present at school at the time of the lockdown drill, except that administrators or school support personnel in their discretion may exempt students from the lockdown drill.” active shooter drill that “must be done when students are present.”  Below are some details of the drill to keep you informed:

  • Drill is being coordinated by Principal Steffanie Seegmiller, Assistant Principal Nathan Seal, and local law enforcement.

  • Drill Date - 9/27/22

  • Drill Time - Administration and Law Enforcement will be the only ones to know the time of day the drill will take place.

  • There will be extra law enforcement present on the day of the drill to help ensure the safety of our school.

  • A firearm will NOT be used in this drill.  The lockdown drill will NOT include simulations that mimic an actual school shooting incident or active shooter event.  

  • Students and staff should use ALICE Options during the drill.  There will be modifications to these options to ensure the safety of all those involved.  The modifications will be provided to Students and Staff prior to the drill.  

The goal of this drill is to improve our ability to protect students, save lives, and reduce injuries.  This drill will allow us to evaluate our emergency operations plan and improve our response skills.  If you have questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to call our school office at 217-543-2146.


Steffanie Seegmiller, Principal 

Nathan Seal, Assistant Principal

Arthur Lovington Atwood Hammond High School