Mark your calendars! The ALAH Drama Club spring production of Mamma Mia! is on March 14th & 15th @ 7:00pm , and March 16th @ 2:00pm! Tickets are $4 for adults and $2 for students and seniors. We can't wait to see you there!
about 1 month ago, Faith Rund
Mamma Mia! Poster
High School Transcripts have been posted!
about 1 month ago, Dawn Redfern
Boys Basketball at home tonight vs. Arcola #GoKnights
about 1 month ago, Nathan Seal
HS Scholastic Bowl 1/16
about 1 month ago, Nathan Seal
JV Boys and Girls Basketball at home tonight vs. CGB #GoKnights
about 1 month ago, Nathan Seal
Congratulations to our Rotary Students of the Month for November and December, Jada Bontreger and Jillian Marner.
about 1 month ago, April Hart
HS Boys Basketball 1/14
about 1 month ago, Nathan Seal
Check out our latest episode of the ToKnight Show featuring Mr. Cheek and our Paraprofessionals at Arthur CUSD 305!
about 1 month ago, Arthur CUSD 305
toknight show
Boys Basketball at home tonight vs. Argenta-Oreana #GoKnights
about 1 month ago, Nathan Seal
HS Girls Basketball 1/13
about 1 month ago, Arthur CUSD 305
Looking for our next great staff member for the 2025-2026 School Year!
about 1 month ago, Andrew Peralta
HS Girls Basketball @ Arcola tonight. #GoKnights
about 1 month ago, Nathan Seal
Report cards have been posted for the ALAH High School students. It can be viewed in the student & family access of Skyward. Click on the portfolio tab to view the report card.
about 1 month ago, Dawn Redfern
report card
Scholastic Bowl 1/9
about 1 month ago, Nathan Seal
Are you seeking a noble way to support our fellow Knights of ALAH? Lend your aid by donating your gently used Knights Gear to keep the spirit strong! #GoKnights
about 1 month ago, Nathan Seal
The Construction Skills class at ALAH High School is having their fundraiser again this year!! Please see the attached form below to order. Thanks and have a great day!
about 1 month ago, Chris Kessler
Corn Bowl - 1/10/25
about 1 month ago, Nathan Seal
corn bowl
REMINDER: Tomorrow, Thursday, January 9th is a School Improvement Day. The high school will dismiss at 12:00pm and the grade schools will dismiss at 12:15pm. Have a great evening!
about 1 month ago, Arthur CUSD 305
Arthur Grade School is looking for a Science Teacher! This job will be for the next school year (2025-2026). If you know someone who might be interested, please have them reach out to Mr. Peralta at 217-543-2109 or email him at
about 1 month ago, Andrew Peralta
Good evening. Due to road conditions in the country we are making the decision to error on the side of caution and cancel school tomorrow, Tuesday, January 7th. Any decisions regarding extra curricular activities will be communicated by noon. Thank you and have a safe evening. Go Knights!
about 1 month ago, Arthur CUSD 305