Get ready for Christmas countdown fun days! Here’s what they are going to look like: December 1- Ho! Ho! Ho! Down! Dress in your favorite Western Wear December 2- Claus Up the Knight- Wear your Knights gear &Christmas it up December 3-Ugly Sweater Day December 6- Polar Express- wear your favorite, cozy PJs December 7- Christmas Stockings- wear those Christmas socks December 8-Grinch Day- wear green or Grinch attire December 9- Mad about Plaid December 10-Holly Jolly Christmas- If it's Christmasy, wear it! December 13-Long Winter’s Night- wear those PJs again! December 14- Ornament Day- dress like an ornament. December 15-Dress to Impress- wear your finest today! We will do some fun photo shoots. December 16- Heading into the Holidays- Wear those hats, headbands, hair ribbons, reindeer ears...all the things! December 17-Pick a Christmas movie to dress up like December 20-Frosty the Snowman- dress like a snowman. We will be making snowman soup aka- hot cocoa December 21- ‘Twas the Day Before Christmas Break- wear those PJs again!
over 2 years ago, Marla Graham
Our next community engagement meeting for our long-range facility improvement planning is this coming Wednesday, December 1st at 6PM in the high school gym. We hope to see you there. We need ideas and help from our communities! Questions? Call Shannon Cheek at 217-543-2511.
over 2 years ago, Arthur CUSD 305
Dalilah and Cash earned their Red reading awards while Kayden earned his Bronze! Way to go eighth grade!!!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Ingram
Dalilah and Cash earned their Red awards while Kayden earned his Bronze! Way to go 8th grade!!!
Huge thank you to everyone who bought books off of their teacher's book list at the book fair. Your generosity and continued support are very much appreciated!!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hostetler
8th graders at LGS got to pie Mrs. Wulff in the face for collecting the most canned food during the food drive.
over 2 years ago, Amy Tighe
pie in the face
pie in the face
pie in the face
the aftermath
Both the 8th grade & 3rd grade classes collected the most canned goods. So both classes got to pie their teachers in the face. It was a blast!!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hostetler
pie 4
pie 3
pie 2
pie in face
Meet Elana K. Arnold, author of A Boy Called BAT. She will be speaking virtually from 6:00-6:40 at Lovington Grade School. Can't come in person? Join the Google Meet at
over 2 years ago, Renee Brown
Meet Elana K. Arnold, author of A Boy Called BAT. She will be speaking virtually from 6:00-6:40 at Lovington Grade School. Can't come in person? Join the Google Meet at
over 2 years ago, Renee Brown
Everyday we are so grateful for Ms. Tera and Mrs. Pam for their hard work and amazing meals. Today these super cooks made an amazing Thanksgiving Feast for our students and staff! Thank you for all you do!❤️❤️
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Voegel
These three boys, Max, Max, and Caleb earned their Red Goals for AR this month!!!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Ingram
These three boys, Max, Max, and Caleb earned their Red Goals for AR this month!!!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Ingram
These three boys, Max, Max, and Caleb earned their Red Goals for AR this month!!!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Ingram
Great job Jaidyn Edwards on reaching your Bronze Goal in AR!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Ingram
Christmas is right around the corner, what better gift then LGS Spirit Wear! Check out our Pop Up online store now until December 1.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Voegel
One of Several Styles
JH Knights Volleyball Tryout Information
over 2 years ago, Arthur CUSD 305
vb tryouts
Congratulations to Maggie Fitzgerald for being the 1st student at LGS to earn their Bronze Reading Goal. Fantastic job & Keep up the great work!!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hostetler
1st Bronze
Thank you Lgs 8th grade English Class for writting encouraging letters to staff today.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hostetler
student bonding
Thank You to the Lovington Dollar General and their literacy foundation for the amazing donation today. We are so grateful for all the new books for our students.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Voegel
Lovington 5th grade D.A.R.E. Graduation
over 2 years ago, Adrienne Seal
Lovington 5th Grade D.A.R.E. Graduation
DCHD Weekly Update...November 8
over 2 years ago, Arthur CUSD 305
dchd communication 1
dchd communication 2